Monday, June 14, 2010

June 12, 2010 Pink Cowgirl

Reagan and Addison's birthday party was this day and part of the festivities was decorating cowgirl hats. Jesse's rocks.

June 11, 2010 Uncle Josh Bait Company

June 9 is lost Here is June 10, 2010 New Hair

I got some new hair. In sapling green.

June 8, 2010 Bad Mood Puss

Nuff said. This boy had enough of that little girl in pink.

June 7, 2010 Grandpa's Garden

Jesse is helping Grandpa with the corn. Grandpa was thinning out the extra stalks and pulling dirt into the row to inhibit the growth of weeds. It was good to have him out there with us. He seemed confused on why Jesse stuck with him for over an hour, but she did and non-stop talking to him, asking him questions. I can only imagine the wisdom he imparted to her. I was busy in the bean and pea row pulling weeds. I'd glance back and they'd have their heads together talking. It made my heart smile.

June 6, 2010 Cornhole

J&J played cornhole at Debbie and R.B.'s when we went for Amber and Jasan's Open House. It was a great party. Good visiting, good people, good time. I took 12 oz strawberry jam jars for several couples and extra 4 oz jars for the guests.

June 5, 2010 Mr. and Ms. Miagi

J&J caught all these flies by hand and put them in their Lady Bug House.

June 4, 2010 Chevy Skull

My favorite emblem ever.

June 3, 2010 Muddy Gardening

It was a muddy many hours spent weeding out the garden.

June 1st lost Here is June 2, 2010

Jesse bouncing on the trampoline at Brian and Kim's house. It was Brittany's 9th Birthday party.

Baby girl gets braver and braver every year.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

May 30 is Lost. Here is May 31, 2010 Braids!

First time I ever braided Jesse's hair.

May 29, 2010 Strawberry Shortcake

May 28, 2010 Guy Snooze

May 27, 2010 Work Relocated

Lunchtime in the AC!

May 26, 2010 Gardening

Planting beans!!!
James fascination with bugs is pretty intense.

Dennie sticking out his tongue is classic.

James is digging up the oil that Jon emptied into the garden. Grandpa overfilled the rototiller with oil and Jon drained it at the edge of the garden. He's really conscientious about stuff like that...

May 25, 2010 More Olives

They love black olives!